Our Vision is to lead People to KNOW Jesus, to LOVE Jesus, and to SERVE Jesus.




Early Years (Birth to Age 3)

Cradle Roll - for parents of children under the age of 3

Cradle Roll ministry is an outreach caring ministry that reaches out beyond the church walls to young couples at their most approachable, vulnerable, impressionable time – the time when they are brand new parents with brand new and awesome responsibilities. Brand new parents of beautiful children. We match up new moms with experienced women for a mentoring relationship.

Mom’s Time Out

Thursday mornings 9:30-11:30am. Childcare available. 

Moms of young children meet weekly to fellowship, and share and pray for each other.

Kids (Age 4 - Grade 6)

Quest Explorers: Ages 4-5

Quest Pathfinders: Grades 1-6

Sunday mornings at 9:15-10:15am

We provide safe, fun environments filled with dynamic worship and creatively presented Bible lessons. Kids are a part of a small group (class setting) where they will make friends and connect with their caring leaders.

Summer Drop-in Bible Camp: Grades K-6

Every Tuesday for July and August at 2:00-4:30p.m.

Come and grow life-changing faith in Jesus! Join us for weekly lessons, activities, and build relationships with friends, but also build a relationship with Jesus.


Awana ushers kids on a journey to know God and His Word, love and need their Saviour, and live out their faith in the ever-changing world around them. A typical evening includes hands-on activities and Bible study. Awana runs from September to March.

  • Grade 3-6 GIRLS - TBA

  • Grade 3-6 BOYS - TBA

  • Grade 1-2 BOYS - TBA